13–16 May 2024
Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics (IPP Greifswald)
Europe/Berlin timezone

Special issue on reflectometry in PPCF / Proceedings

We would like to invite presenters at the 15th and 16th reflectometry workshop to submit your contributions to a PPCF special issue on reflectometry that covers the proceedings of IRW16 and unpublished contributions from IRW15.

Please submit your article through the special issue article website / PPCF:


Submitted articles will be undergo the normal PPCF review process. Accepted articles will be published online immediately after their review completes. 

Details about the proceedings status and deadlines are available on the PPCF landing page above and summarized below:

Website opens and submission window opens:  Now!

Submission window closes:  December 1st, 2024.

Submission window closes:  February 21st, 2025.

On behalf of the local organizing committee of IRW15/16 and the Guest Editors for the Workshop Proceedings,

Thank you.