The 16th International Reflectometry Workshop (IRW16) will take place at the Max-Planck-Institute for Plasma Physics, Greifswald, Germany between the 13th May 2024 and the 16th May 2024.
For the attendance of the workshop no fee will be charged.
This workshop is an in-person meeting for discussions among experts of microwave reflectometry and related topics. It brings together experts, master- and PhD-students with the aim to discuss common interests in reflectometry and plasma physics. The scientific objective is to exchange the latest results in plasma physics, theory and simulation of microwave propagation in plasmas, as well as the latest achievements in hard- and software development for reflectometry and radar applications. This workshop also invites scientists working on the design and construction of active microwave components to participate.
Stimulating discussions build the heart of this workshop. This workshop publishes proceedings for later citation.