W7-X DCD meeting



    • 15:30 16:15
      Bachelor Thesis: Modeling of neutral particle transport at the W7-X divertor with COMSOL (25+Questions) 45m

      This thesis presents a simplified model of the neutral particle transport at the divertor
      of the Wendelstein 7-X stellarator. The model uses the angular coefficient method
      implemented in the commercial software COMSOL Multiphysics to calculate the
      neutral particle transport as a free molecular flow. The location of the neutral particle
      origin is derived by coupling the simulation to the plasma edge code EMC3-Lite. The
      presented simulation is capable of quantifying the amount of reionised particles, the
      particle flux entering the sub-divertor region and the contribution of different wall
      components to the neutral particle transport in a few CPU minutes. A preliminary
      validation of the simulation shows that the results are comparable to experimental
      and EMC3-Eirene values.

      Speaker: Markus Grasser (IPP Bereich Greifswald)