
  • Dirk Naujoks
  • Joris Fellinger
  • Thierry Kremeyer



W7-X Divertor Concept Development

For W7-X, a new design of the divertor components with a redefined plasma-facing surface (PFS) is planned, aiming at tolerable thermal loads, high particle exhaust and sufficient impurity control. In early 2021, the development and qualification of target elements with tungsten-based armor material (W or W heavy alloys) with a load specification of 10 MW/m2 in steady-state operation was started in the framework of EUROfusion (WPDIV).

The topic of the meeting alternate weekly between physics related tasks and engineering and technology qualification related tasks, in order to keep the meetings limited to 1.5 hour and to allow all people in the distribution list to decide up front to join or not.

Meeting Time:


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Zoom-ID: 913 0351 5504

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