W7-X Divertor Concept Development

For W7-X, a new design of the divertor components with a redefined plasma-facing surface (PFS) is planned, aiming at tolerable thermal loads, high particle exhaust and sufficient impurity control. In early 2021, the development and qualification of target elements with tungsten-based armor material (W or W heavy alloys) with a load specification of 10 MW/m2 in steady-state operation was started in the framework of EUROfusion (WPDIV).

We are now in the summer break. Starting September 2nd we have to move the meeting to Mondays from 15:30-17:00 due to OP2.2. And since we all have limited time during the campaign, we will only meet every 2nd week and combine our engineering and physics meeting.

Meeting Time:

Monday (every 2nd, starting September 2nd)

Meeting Location:

Zoom-ID: 913 0351 5504


Data share:



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