The Charkiw Lectures

The Charkiw Lectures are a series of lessons introducing the stellarator concept for magnetic confinement fusion. The virtual lectures comprise the status of research with focus on latest developments in the field of helical confinement and reactor prospects. The lectures address master and Ph.D. students with a background in general physics. Knowledge of plasma physics will be advantageous.
Active attendace of at least 90% of the lectures entitles you to receive a certificate with two ECTS points. The responsible professor at Karazin University in Prof. Igor Girka.
The lectures will be given by Zoom on Wednesdays at 16:00-18:00 Charkiw Time (i.e. 15:00 CEST = 09:00 Wisconsin Time (CST) = 21:00 Toki Time (JST). Each session consists of a lecture of 90 minutes and a discussion time of 30 minutes. The lectures will begin on Wednesday, 28.06.23.
Categories in The Charkiw Lectures
November 2023
- 24 Nov