10:07:47 Von Elisabeth Wolfrum an Alle: continue @ 10:11 10:11:22 Von Michael Bergmann an Alle: As a rule of thumb, would you recommend using jupyter for new code as I do not have to rerun everything once I find a bug? 10:16:08 Von Daniel Böckenhoff an Alle: It depends. I like jupyter to use for similar purposes like Debugging (having interactive acess to your Code). However, for Projects that you are using in an api Kind of Fashion you should build python modulues which you can not do with ipynb. I only use jupyter to do talks, teaching and have a quick inspection of data e.g. 10:16:42 Von Constantin Gahr an Alle: Where can I find these and the previous slides? 10:17:07 Von Daniel Böckenhoff an Alle: We will distribute them after this session. 10:17:59 Von Pedro Molina Cabrera an Alle: There’s an IDE called Spyder (available with module load anaconda in lxts and toki) that also features cell execution and all the perks of an IDE. 10:19:57 Von Daniel Böckenhoff an Alle: I can personally recommend vscode or pycharm for python development. I have repetitively seen serious Bugs with Spyder before on various installations, but have not much experience outside Debugging other peoples ides. 10:25:37 Von Daniel Wendler an Alle: For Tikz, there is also the python package matplotlib2tikz, which automates the conversion to tikz 10:26:28 Von Daniel Böckenhoff an Alle: 👍I can recommend that also 10:34:42 Von Birger Buttenschön an Alle: thank you for using green and red, while stating before that you should not do exactly that! :-D 10:41:10 Von Manuel Herschel an Alle: There are also premade color sets and color pickers from Google that I personally find very pleasing 10:42:14 Von Manuel Herschel an Alle: https://material.io/design/color/the-color-system.html#color-theme-creation 10:42:47 Von Niek den Harder an Alle: There is an alternative colourmap to JET that is perceptually uniform, called Turbo: https://ai.googleblog.com/2019/08/turbo-improved-rainbow-colormap-for.html 10:50:32 Von Matthias Otte an Alle: User Codes at IPP: 10:50:36 Von Matthias Otte an Alle: https://wikis.ipp-hgw.mpg.de/PhysicsW7X/index.php/Data_Analysis_Codes 10:52:37 Von David Bold an Alle: Should that list be extended to something link EMC3-EIRENE? Or is this only for diagnostics related codes? 10:59:31 Von Daniel Böckenhoff an Alle: I think in General, we should carefully review this list. 10:59:43 Von Daniel Böckenhoff an Alle: … and refactor it