HEPP Seminar WS 22/23 #11: J. Illerhaus / J. Pfennig / L. Radovanovic

GAR: D2 Lecture Hall HGW: SR2
René Bussiahn (IPP-HGW), Thomas Pütterich (IPP-GAR)


Meeting-ID: 616 0514 8629 
Kenncode: 414610

    • 1
      Introductory Talk: Real-Time Machine Learning Applications in Plasma Control at ASDEX Upgrade
      Speaker: Johannes Illerhaus
    • 2
      Introductory Talk: Characterisation of edge-SOL turbulence with GRILLIX in single null and advanced divertor configurations
      Speaker: Jan Pfennig
    • 3
      Progress Talk: Edge - Core Coupling: Effects of Er and Ideal MHD on the Pedestal Width
      Speaker: Lidija Radovanovic