HEPP Seminar WS 22/23 #1: N. Narbutt/H. Bergström

René Bussiahn (IPP-HGW), Thomas Pütterich (IPP-GAR)

Zoom link: https://eu01web.zoom.us/j/61605148629?pwd=YzRVczRJeFUvaHdvZ00vVUZkS2NLQT09 

Meeting-ID: 616 0514 8629 
Kenncode: 414610 

    • 1
      organisational hints
    • 2
      Introductory Talk: How relevant will the high beta kinetic ballooning mode instability be for fusion plasmas?
      Speaker: Yann Narbutt (IPP Bereich Greifswald)
    • 3
      Introductory Talk: Coupling a kinetic description of relativistic electrons to MHD activity in JOREK
      Speaker: Hannes Bergström