Mo 18 July - Tue 19 July, 09:00 - 17:00
Project management in an academic environment means, putting a project into effect alongside many other activities as quickly as possible, with great complexity and with the participation of highly diverse interest groups. This challenge requires a wealth of methodological competence and interactive skills.
In this seminar you will learn the foundations of generic project management. With the help of your own project – your postdoc - you will “live through” your project from the beginning till the end of your postdoc phase. It will help you to structure your postdoc phase and to integrate all other important goals and activities alongside your research, such as your next career steps.
• Defining project goals
• Dealing with interest groups - analyzing stakeholders
• Structuring and planning your project
• Setting milestones
• Self management and time management
You will be working on your own project and sharing your experiences within the group. Using short presentations and group work, you will raise your awareness for the basics of project management which can then be applied to your everyday work environment as well as your research project.
Duration: two days