Topical Groups
The W7-X topical groups are the platforms for data analysis, discussion of W7-X results and preparation of publications. See here for information on their introduction in 2019.
The topical groups and their coordinators are:
Core performance and scenario development: Andreas Langenberg, Josefine Proll
Fast ions and heating: Dirk Hartmann, Dmitry Moseev
Turbulence and MHD: Axel Könies, Adrian v. Stechow
Edge, divertor and PWI: Juri Romazanov (FZJ), Valeria Perseo, Victoria Winters
See the respective categories for more info on the specific groups.
Categories in Topical Groups
- TG Core Performance and Scenario Development
- TG Fast Ions and Heating
- TG Turbulence and MHD
- TG Edge, Divertor, and PWI
- ------ archived topical group material below this line ------
- archived: TG Impurity Transport & Radiation Physics
- archived: TG Profiles (2023-2024)
- archived: TG Fast Particles (2023-2024)
- archived: TG Edge & Divertor Physics
- archived: TG Heating (2023 - 2024)
- archived: TG Plasma Wall Interaction
- archived: TG Scenarios (2023-2024)
- archived: TG MHD (2023-2024)
- archived: TG Turbulence (2023-2024)